Most people have heard of the Pap test, which has been the primary cervical cancer screening test for many years. On March 3, 2025, the Ontario Ministry of Health will be replacing the Pap test with the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) test as the new primary test for cervical cancer screening. See Cancer Care Ontario for more detailed information on HPV testing.
Why this change?
The HPV test is more accurate and will improve detection of cervical pre-cancer.
The improved performance of HPV testing allows for longer intervals between screens for people who test negative.
Many cervical screening programs internationally and in Canada have transitioned to HPV testing as the primary screening as the HPV test is increasingly considered to be the standard of care.
Who is eligible for the HPV test?
Individuals with a cervix age 25 to 69 who have ever been sexually active with no symptoms suggestive of cervical cancer and have valid OHIP coverage.
How long between HPV tests?
Typically, individuals with a negative HPV test result are recommended to be screened every 5 years though how often screening happens depends on your personal circumstances and best discussed with your physician.
What if I am due for a Pap test?
If you are due for a Pap test, you can either get a Pap test before March 3, 2025 or get the HPV test on or after March 3, 2025.
What if I just got the Pap test before March 3, 2025? Should I get the HPV test right away?
If you have had a Pap test and it hasn’t yet been 3 years since the test, and the results were normal, you can wait until the 3 years mark for your next cervical screening test. At the time of your next cervical screening, you will get the HPV test.
What if I want a HPV test even though I’m not eligible for OHIP coverage for it?
OHIP only covers the HPV test for eligible individuals on or after March 3, 2025. For those who want the HPV test but are not eligible for OHIP coverage, it is possible to privately pay for it out of pocket. Contact LifeLabs or Dynacare labs for more information or book an appointment with your physician to discuss it
How do I know if I should be screened more often or if I am unsure if I need HPV testing?
If you have any questions about your screening interval or if you should be screened, you should book an appointment with your physician to discuss your concerns. How often screening happens and whether you need to be screened depends on your personal circumstances. This blog is intended only to provide some generalised information about HPV tests.
Can I get the HPV test before March 3, 2025 if I am due to be screened anyway?
HPV testing will be covered by OHIP starting on March 3, 2025. Until then, HPV testing is available as a privately paid test that you can discuss with your doctor.
Should I wait until after March 3, 2025 to do my cervical screening so that I can get the HPV test?
If you are due for a cervical screening within 2-3 days of the March 3, 2025 rollout, then you can choose to wait until March 3 to get the new HPV test.