Providing Feedback

At Magenta Health, we are committed to providing our patients with accessible and quality care that is responsive to their needs. Like any organization, sometimes we succeed, and sometimes we may fail to meet the expectations of ourselves, patients, or other stakeholders.

In the interests of providing a safe and positive opportunity for constant, iterative, and constructive feedback and improvement, we have adopted processes for providing various types of feedback to give patients an opportunity to voice their compliments, concerns, or general feedback, both in respect of the administrative as well as the medical aspects of their relationship with Magenta Health and the physicians and staff who work here.


If you would like to recognize the team (administrative, support, your physician), we are happy to hear from you. Physical cards and letters are kept and cherished, and short emails are oftentimes shared within the team internally. Our physician and staff team work hard every day - it's always nice to feel appreciated.

Making a complaint

If we fail to meet your expectations, we welcome constructive feedback and criticism.

If your complaint is about your family doctor, we generally recommend that you book an appointment to speak with them directly to share your concerns. An effective patient-physician partnership is built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect, partners need to communicate.

If your complaint is about administrative / clinic staff, or if you do not feel a conversation with your physician is appropriate at this time, we ask that you send us a message with an overview of your complaint and we'll take it from there.

Please do remember that there are real humans reviewing every email. We understand there may be frustration; you might not be getting what you need; a mistake might have been made.  Despite the circumstances, we ask that you remember that the person you’re speaking to, whether in person, by phone, in writing, or by voicemail, is a person who deserves kindness.