Parsing the Ministry of Health's XML file of Rostered Patients

We occasionally use this blog to share clinic administrative tools that we've developed. The latest tool that we've built is a tool to identify discrepancies between the list of rostered patients according to our own EMR (i.e. OSCAR EMR) versus the XML file that is supplied by the Ministry of Health.

As it's just for administrative use, it hasn't been tested extensively. Let us know if you run into any issues!

Striking a Balance - Urgent Medical Issues

An issue that occasionally arises, as it does with every community family doctor's office, is how to meet the needs of patients in respect of urgent medical issues. While not every medical issue is urgent, it's of course understandable that when a pressing matter arises, that it would be best if their own family doctor or a colleague were available at a convenient time.

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Our Booking Pages are Now Mobile Friendly!

Procuring technology is unfortunately hard. When selecting a vendor, we need to balance a variety of considerations, including features, security, uptime, customer support, quality of UI/UX, etc...

When it came to our online booking system, we went with Veribook for a number of reasons. One limitation, however, was their lack of a mobile friendly booking page for our patients. This has been a source of understandable frustration for everyone.

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Why Doctors are Late - The Top 3 Reasons

One of the most common frustrations for patients is when their doctor is late for an appointment. This is something that we try to minimize as much as possible, but unfortunately, we don't have a way to entirely eliminate this problem.

Nevertheless, we're believers in being transparent when it comes to issues such as this.  If we can't fully solve the problem, at least we can try to communicate why this is happening, and what we're doing to minimize this problem.

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Why do we ask patients for their OHIP number?

We're occasionally asked why we request OHIP numbers as part of our online registration process.

As physicians at Magenta Health are family doctors who provide ongoing, long-term primary care for enrolled patients, they are unable to enroll patients who do not have valid OHIP coverage; this includes patients who are only covered by another provincial health plan, or by third-party insurance. (read more here).

We therefore ask patients to supply their OHIP number upfront, as part of the initial online registration process, so that we can validate and confirm this information with the Ontario Government. This step usually takes a couple days, but it prevents the situation of patients taking time out of their busy day to come to the clinic, only to find out once they arrive that their OHIP has expired or is otherwise invalid, and that they will not be able to complete their appointment with a physician.